General Ledger

In General Ledger, we can see all types of daily, weekly, monthly, yearly etc transaction
reports according to select date to date. Here contain all ledger Credit or Debit 
report under each groups.

  1. How to View General Ledger Report?

How to View General Ledger Report?

In the Account Reports menu, select General Ledger.
a) View All Data.

1. Select From Date & To Date.
2. Select Show Columns.
3. Then Click Report.

b) View Customize Data:
1. Select From Date & To Date.
2. Select Show Columns.
3. Click Refresh Advance Option.
4. Select Cost CenterHow to create Cost Center.
5. Select GroupHow to create Group.
6. Select LedgerHow to Create Ledger.
7. Then Click Report.

c) Report:
Demo Company
General Ledger
Date : 01/01/2018 to 31/03/2018
Date Vch. No. Narration Short Narration Dr. Amount Cr. Amount Balance
Account Payables
Alam Store
Opening 0.00 0.00 45,000.00 Cr
04/01/2018 P-4 Purchase on Credit 0.00 1,00,920.00 1,45,920.00 Cr
11/01/2018 A-5 Cash Payment by Alam Store Against Milk Purchase 1,00,920.00 0.00 45,000.00 Cr
29/03/2018 S-24 ABC 5,500.00 0.00 39,500.00 Cr
Sub Total : 1,06,420.00 1,00,920.00
Mahim & Brothers
Opening 0.00 0.00 1,24,000.00 Cr
04/01/2018 A-2 Advance Payment by Mahim & Brothers Against Purchase Order 2,00,000.00 0.00 76,000.00 Dr
07/01/2018 P-2 Purchase order wise some item received 0.00 1,60,000.00 84,000.00 Cr
09/01/2018 PR-1 Return defect item 5,240.00 0.00 78,760.00 Cr
13/01/2018 P-3 Purchase order wise some item second time received 0.00 1,26,040.00 2,04,800.00 Cr
18/01/2018 A-3 Payment by Mahim & Brothers Against Purchase 2,00,000.00 0.00 4,800.00 Cr
Sub Total : 4,05,240.00 2,86,040.00
Mamun & Sons
Opening 0.00 0.00 50,000.00 Cr
MK Steel
Opening 0.00 0.00 3,00,000.00 Cr
TM Enterprise
Opening 0.00 0.00 2,30,000.00 Cr
15/01/2018 P-5 Light Purchase and Some Cash Payment on TM Enterprise 0.00 1,36,500.00 3,66,500.00 Cr
Sub Total : 0.00 1,36,500.00
Wahid & Brothers
Opening 0.00 0.00 60,000.00 Cr
Summary for Account Payables : 5,11,660.00 5,23,460.00 11,800.00 Cr