
A Voucher is a document that contains details of a financial transaction and is required for recording the same into the books of accounts. For every transaction, you can use the appropriate Voucher to enter the details into the ledgers and update the financial position of the company.

  1. How to Create New Voucher?
  2. How to Create Cash Receive Voucher?
  3. How to Create Cash Payment Voucher?
  4. How to Create Bank Receive Voucher?
  5. How to Create Bank Payment Voucher?
  6. How to Create Journal Voucher?
  7. How to Create Contra Voucher?
  8. How to Print a Voucher?
  9. How to Edit Voucher?
  10. How to Delete Voucher?
  11. How to Show Voucher Detail/ All Voucher Detail?

How to Create New Voucher?

  1. In the Entry menu, select Voucher
  2. Then select Voucher type
    • CR-Cash receive 
    • CP-Cash payment
    • BR-Bank receive
    • BP-Bank payment
    • JV-Journal voucher
    • CV-Contra voucher
  3. Select Date.
  4. Reference:- Type your manual voucher information.
  5. Select Cost Center.
  6. In Voucher Details Type first Ledger Name and Dr. amount or Cr. amount and Type  2nd Ledger name and Dr. amount or Cr. amount.
  7. Type Narration.
  8. Then click 

How to Create Cash Receive Voucher?

Cash Receive Voucher is a voucher, a company can collect all types of cash from a different party through this voucher.
  1. In the Entry menu, select Voucher.
  2. Then select Cash Receive Voucher.
  3. Select Date.
  4. Reference:- Type your manual voucher information.
  5. Select Cost Center.
  6. Voucher Details:- In first Ledger Type Cash and 2nd Ledger Type Party name & Cr. amount.
  7. Type Narration.
  8. Then click 

How to Create Cash Payment Voucher?

Cash Payment Voucher is a voucher, a company can be paid all types of cash payment to different party through this voucher.
  1. In the Entry menu, select Voucher.
  2. Then select Cash Payment Voucher.
  3. Select Date.
  4. Reference:- Type your manual voucher information.
  5. Select Cost Center.
  6. Voucher Details:- In first Ledger Type Cash and 2nd Ledger Type Party name & Dr. amount.
  7. Type Narration.
  8. Then click 

How to Create Bank Receive Voucher?

Bank Receive Voucher is a voucher, a company can receive cheque all types of bank payment to different party through this voucher.

  1. In the Entry menu, select Voucher.
  2. Then select Bank Receive Voucher.
  3. Select Date.
  4. Reference:- Type your manual voucher information.
  5. Select Cost Center.
  6. Voucher Details:- In first Ledger Type Bank Name and 2nd Ledger Type Party name & Cr. amount.
  7. Type Narration.
  8. Then click 

How to Create Bank Payment Voucher?

Bank Payment Voucher is a voucher, a company can be paid to all types of bank payment to different party through this voucher.

  1. In the Entry menu, select Voucher.
  2. Then select Bank Payment Voucher.
  3. Select Date.
  4. Reference:- Type your manual voucher information.
  5. Select Cost Center.
  6. Voucher Details:- In first Ledger Type Bank Name and 2nd Ledger Type Party name & Dr. amount.
  7. Type Narration.
  8. Then click 

How to Create Journal Voucher?

  1. In the Entry menu, select Voucher.
  2. Then select the Journal Voucher.
  3. Select Date.
  4. Reference:- Type your manual voucher information.
  5. Select Cost Center.
  6. Voucher Details:- In first Ledger Type a Ledger Name & Dr. or Cr. amount and 2nd Ledger Type another Ledger Name & Dr. or Cr. amount according to need.
  7. Type Narration.
  8. Then click 

How to Create Contra Voucher?

  1. In the Entry menu, select Voucher.
  2. Then select Contra Voucher.
  3. Select Date.
  4. Reference :- Type your manual voucher information.
  5. Select Cost CenterCreate Cost Center
  6. Voucher Details :- In first Ledger Type a Cash or Bank Name & Dr. or Cr. amount and 2nd Ledger Type another Cash or Bank Name & Dr. or Cr. amount according to need.
  7. Type Narration.
  8. Then click 

How to Print a Voucher?

1. Click the Print Button of the voucher which you want to print.

How to Edit Voucher?

  1. Select Voucher which you want to edit.
  2. Then Click Edit Button.
  3. Update Select Date.
  4. Reference :- Update your manual voucher information.
  5. Update Cost CenterCreate Cost Center
  6. Voucher Details :- Update First Ladger Name & Dr. or Cr. amount and Update 2nd Ladger Name & Dr. or Cr. amount.
  7. Update Narration.
  8. Then click 

How to Delete Voucher?

1. Click Delete button on the Voucher which you want to Delete.

2. Click Delete.

How to Show Voucher Detail/ All Voucher Detail?

1. Click the Detail Button of the voucher which you want to view.

2. Then it show's voucher detail.

3. Click the All Detail Button of the voucher which you want to view.

4. Then it show's All vouchers detail.